What's a Welcome Message?
What's a Welcome Message?
A Welcome Message is a greeting that is automatically displayed when someone wants to contact you privately**, even before they send you a message. https://business.twitter.com/en/help/campaign-editing-and-optimization/welcome-messages.html
Types of Welcome Message
A Welcome Message can contain up to 10,000 characters and 1 media (an image, GIF or video).
You can choose from 3 types of Welcome Message on Affinitweet: classic, button or quick reply.
These 3 types are distinct, that means that there can't be buttons and quick replies in the same Welcome Message.
💬 Classic
This is a Welcome Message with text and possibly an image.
🔗 Button
This is a Welcome Message with text, possibly an image and one or more buttons.
These buttons are CTA (call-to-action) displayed just below the private message.
You can create up to 3 buttons per Welcome Message, representing for each button a link redirecting to the page of your choice.
Buttons are an effective way to:
redirect users to pages of your choice (website, FAQ...)
save time if the answer to their request is in one of the links
🖊 Quick Reply
This is a Welcome Message with text, possibly an image and one or more quick replies.
Quick replies are pre-filled answers provided to the user to target their request.
You can create up to 20 quick replies per Welcome Message.
The filled-in answers will be proposed to the user, who will be able to click on one of them to have it automatically sent.
Updated on: 16/02/2022
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